Sunday, January 31, 2016

Asynchronous Drip Coffee - Overview

The first project that I thought of working was born out of the fact that timer-based drip coffee machines don't allow leeway in when you wake up. For example, if I set the coffee machine to start at a certain time, I can't hit the snooze button on my alarm nor can I even dismiss the alarm as my coffee will get cold.  To address this issue,  I sought to implement a system that would allow me to start the drip machine asynchronously. Essentially, the high level description is that I would hit a button on an app running on my phone which would cause a device connected to the coffee machine to turn it on. These is a fun project because it has the following moving parts that need to be addressed in terms of safety and security:

  • Device that is connected to the coffee machine responsible for turning it on and off
  • Android app (sorry iPhone users)
  • Server running at home that interfaces with the Android app and device connected to the coffee machine

Hello Embedded World!

Hello Embedded World ! I am Mohammed Billoo ( and the purpose of this blog is to describe the projects that I'm working on in my spare time. The idea for these projects are usually conceived by an inconvenience that I face around the house or in my personal life and I try to use my knowledge of embedded systems to alleviate the inconvenience. The idea for this blog came about when I realized that although there are a multitude of resources online that can help someone solve a single problem most likely faced by an experienced engineer, there is no resource that allows someone to get their feet wet and understand the type of problems that embedded systems attempts to solve. This blog also serves as a platform for individuals to follow along in replicating the projects that I work on here, to ask questions about certain decisions and problems they run into, and hopefully provide insightful alternatives to the decisions that I make in these projects.

While these projects are fun and exciting, they do involve hardware and interfacing with personal appliances. Therefore, I have to disclaim that you are responsible for taking the utmost safety and care when working on these projects. I am not liable for any injury to yourself or damage to your personal property that any of these projects may cause.

With that said, let's get started!