Sunday, January 31, 2016

Asynchronous Drip Coffee - Overview

The first project that I thought of working was born out of the fact that timer-based drip coffee machines don't allow leeway in when you wake up. For example, if I set the coffee machine to start at a certain time, I can't hit the snooze button on my alarm nor can I even dismiss the alarm as my coffee will get cold.  To address this issue,  I sought to implement a system that would allow me to start the drip machine asynchronously. Essentially, the high level description is that I would hit a button on an app running on my phone which would cause a device connected to the coffee machine to turn it on. These is a fun project because it has the following moving parts that need to be addressed in terms of safety and security:

  • Device that is connected to the coffee machine responsible for turning it on and off
  • Android app (sorry iPhone users)
  • Server running at home that interfaces with the Android app and device connected to the coffee machine

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